This document contains all the materials covered in the Introduction to RStudio workshop of the Maths Skills Centre. This workshop introduces the RStudio environment, writing code in a script, importing and viewing data, data wrangling and data visualisation.

1 Setup

You can follow the instructions here to install or update R and RStudio. This workshop was assembled using R version 4.1.2 and RStudio version 2021.9.0.351.

2 Overview of RStudio

1. What are the four panels in RStudio?
2. How is a project set up in RStudio?
3. Where do we save files for RStudio to use?

1. Navigate the RStudio environment.
2. Set up an RStudio project for the workshop.
3. Save the workshop files from the vle into the project working directory.

2.2 Setting up a project in RStudio

When working with RStudio, for example for an analysis or even this workshop, it is good practice to have all relevant files in one folder. This makes it easier to locate files and to share our work with colleagues. This folder is called our working directory.

A convenient way to set and save a working directory is through the RStudio projects functionality. Here we create a .Rproj file, which marks our RStudio project. The folder in which the .Rproj file is saved will be our working directory. To set up an RStudio project:

  • Under the File menu in the top left of RStudio, press New Project, then New Directory, then New Project.
  • Provide a Directory name - this will be the name of the newly created folder. For example, you could name it intro_R_workshop.
  • Under Create project as subdirectory of, select a convenient location for this new folder. For example, this could be your Documents folder.

RStudio should now have refreshed, showing us our project environment. Open a new script, as we did in the previous section, such that the four-panel view is restored. Then save the script by pressing the Save icon (the floppy disk) to the right of the New File button. Give the file a convenient name, such as intro_R_code. It will then appear in the bottom right of RStudio as intro_R_code.R.

2.3 Saving data files in our working directory

As mentioned above, one of the features of the RStudio project is that it allows us to have all relevant files in one folder. We will download the data files for this workshop and save them inside our project directory:

  1. Create a folder named data in your working directory by pressing on ‘New Folder’ in the Files panel (bottom right panel).
  2. Similarly, create a folder named results in your working directory.
  3. Save the example data (NHANES.csv) from here into the data folder.
  4. Save the exercise data (iris.csv) from here into the data folder.

Now the data is accessible from the data folder in our working directory in RStudio.

3 Writing code in a script

1. What are the common terms used to describe R code?
2. What is the structure of commands in R?
3. How can data be entered into RStudio manually?
4. How are notes written alongside code?
5. How and why do we install packages?

1. Define the following R terminology: object, assign, call, function, arguments and options.
2. Use a built-in function and control its working with an argument and an option.
3. Assign values to a named vector using the c() function.
4. Write comments to make a script easier to interpret.
5. Install and load the readr package.

3.1 Common R terminology

3.1.1 Assign a value to an object

In R, everything that we create or import is saved as an object. An object has a name, with which we can refer to it. When we save something as an object, this is referred to as assigning something to that object. Assigning is done using the <- syntax, as shown below. If we wanted to save the number 4 under the name four, we would type in our script:

four <- 4

There are two ways to run this code:

  • With our cursor on the same line as the code, or with the code highlighted, press the “Run” button in the top right of the script panel.
  • With our cursor on the same line as the code, or with the code highlighted, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter (Cmd + Return on Mac).

After running this code, we see four has appeared in the environment window. This confirms that we have successfully assigned a value to an object.

3.1.2 Calling a built-in function with one argument

Most commands in R involve functions. A function is an in-built piece of code that performs a specific task. When a function is used in R, this is referred to as calling the function. Usually, a function is called with one or more inputs - these are called arguments.

Let us take the round() function as an example. This function rounds a supplied value.
For example, we call the round() function on the value 3.14. The value 3.14 is an argument in our call:


R then returns in the console:

## [1] 3

An argument can also be an object, as you will see in the challenge at the end of this section.

3.1.3 Including an argument with an option in a function call

Often the behaviour of a function can be manipulated using arguments which take options. These options have defaults, which are assumed if we do not specify an alternative.

For example, the round() function takes the digits argument, for which the default is digits = 0. That is why so far, round() has returned values with 0 digits behind the decimal.

We can specify an alternative option for the digits argument, for example for a single digit behind the decimal:

round(3.14, digits = 1)
## [1] 3.1

Challenge: assign the value 6.667 to an object named number. Then, call the round() function on the object number. Ensure that round() returns two digits behind the decimal. Find the solution in the drop-down.

number <- 6.667
round(number, digits = 2)
## [1] 6.67

3.1.4 Vectors using the c() function

So far, we have worked with objects that contained a single value. Often we are working with multiple data points. In R, multiple data points can be saved inside one object as a vector. A vector is a collection of data points of the same type (e.g. numbers or words). Vectors are formed by calling the c() function, with data provided between the brackets, separated by commas. For example:

numbers <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)

Vectors can also contain words, which we call strings in R. Ensure that strings are always wrapped in quotes:

colours <- c("red", "blue", "green")

Later in this workshop we will learn how to import data without needing to manually type data into c().

3.1.5 Writing comments to enhance script readability

As we progress through this workshop, our script will fill up with many lines of code. To enhance readability for ourselves and for colleagues who may use our script at a later date, we include comments.

Any text in R that is preceded by a # is ignored by R and treated as a comment. For example, if we were to comment when creating our vector numbers:

# create a vector of the numbers 1 to 6
numbers <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)

Challenge: assign the city names London, Manchester and Newcastle to an object named cities. Include a comment to increase the clarity of your code. Find the solution in the drop-down.

# a vector of city names
cities <- c("London", "Manchester", "Newcastle")

3.1.6 Installing and loading packages

So far, we have used the built-in functions round() and c(). R has many useful functions, some of which do not come built-in. Rather than releasing individual functions, collections of functions are released together in packages. Therefore, to use an external function, we need to install and load the appropriate package.

Working with packages is analogous to using a new light bulb:

  1. First, we install the package in R using the install.packages() function. This is analogous to screwing a new light bulb into the socket - we only need to do this once.
  2. Then, every time we open RStudio and want to use the package, we need to load it using the library() function. This is analogous to using a light bulb - every time we enter the room, we need to turn on the light again.

Let us take the readr package as an example. This package contains a set of functions for importing data into R. In the next section, we will use a function from this package. First, we install the package. You can run the following line from the console rather than the script, as we do not want the package to install again every time we run the script:

# install the readr package

Then we load the package. It is good practice to load all packages at the top of our script. This way, it is easy for another user to identify whether they need to install any packages before running your script. Therefore, paste the following code at or near the top of your script:

# loading a package

As we progress through the workshop, we will encounter other packages. You will get a chance to further practice installing and loading packages then.

4 Importing and viewing data

1. How is data from a .csv file imported into R?
2. What is the difference between a tibble and a data frame?
3. How is a summary view of a tibble viewed in R?

1. Use read_csv() to import data from a .csv file as a tibble.
2. Be aware of differences between a tibble and a data frame.
3. Use view(), head(), and summary() to inspect a tibble.

4.1 Importing .csv data into RStudio

In the previous section we learned how to type data into RStudio using the c() function. More commonly, we directly import data from a .csv spreadsheet. We will use the read_csv() function from the readr package, which we loaded in the previous section.

We will use a subset from the NHANES data, which is a public health survey in the US. This data should be located inside the data folder of your working directory. We import the data as follows:

health_data <- read_csv("data/NHANES.csv")

We can see that health_data has appeared in the environment panel. This object is a tibble, which you can think of as the RStudio equivalent of a spreadsheet. The main difference is that in a tibble, each column is a vector. Recall that within a vector, data must be of the same type. Therefore, individual columns in a tibble are always of one data type.

4.2 A note on tibble vs data frame

In the previous section we created the tibble health_data. As you come to using RStudio independently, you are likely to come across the data frame. The tibble and the data frame are very similar - in fact, tibble is a type of data frame. In this workshop we limit ourselves to tibble, as its an updated version of the data frame. However, in many online tutorials, data frame is used as the tutorials are a few years old. To find out more about the difference between tibble and data frame, see this blog.

4.3 Viewing a tibble

We will cover four ways to quickly inspect the tibble that we have just created. Firstly, we can view health_data as a whole, analogous to the view that Excel would provide us with. We can do this using the View() function (note the capital V). The code below will open a new tab in RStudio, allowing us to scroll through the data:


Alternatively, we can ask RStudio to display the first six rows of health_data using the head() function:

## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##      ID Sex      Age Height Weight
##   <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 71892 male       0    NA     7.7
## 2 71460 female    47   148.   62.3
## 3 58929 male      78   178.   63.4
## 4 64041 male       9   151.   62.9
## 5 69722 male       7   116.   21.4
## 6 59289 male      30   165.   50.1

This output is useful for a few checks:

  • Have the column names been imported properly?
  • Have columns been imported as the correct types? Below the column names, we see data types. In our case, <dbl> and <chr>, which stand for double and character, respectively. A double column that has been imported as a character column, for example, could give us trouble in downstream analyses.
  • Do the first few rows of data look as we expect them to look?

We may also want to check that the tibble has the same number of rows and columns as we expect. We can do so using the functions nrow() and ncol(), respectively:

## [1] 10000
## [1] 5

Finally, we may want to have a look at the spread of our continuous data. We can obtain a view of this using the summary() function:

##        ID            Sex                 Age            Height     
##  Min.   :51624   Length:10000       Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 79.1  
##  1st Qu.:56439   Class :character   1st Qu.:11.00   1st Qu.:152.6  
##  Median :61233   Mode  :character   Median :32.00   Median :163.9  
##  Mean   :61443                      Mean   :34.68   Mean   :157.9  
##  3rd Qu.:66490                      3rd Qu.:56.00   3rd Qu.:173.1  
##  Max.   :71916                      Max.   :80.00   Max.   :201.7  
##                                                     NA's   :1022   
##      Weight      
##  Min.   :  2.70  
##  1st Qu.: 43.90  
##  Median : 67.50  
##  Mean   : 64.56  
##  3rd Qu.: 85.10  
##  Max.   :239.40  
##  NA's   :431

This output shows us for each column with continuous data the smallest and largest values (Min. and Max.), the 1st and 3rd quantiles, the median and the mean.

In addition, the number of NA's are displayed. An empty cell in RStudio is denoted by NA. For example, our Weight column has 431 NA's, i.e. 431 missing values. If we were not expecting missing values in our data, we would need to investigate where these NA's came from.

Challenge: Import the csv file iris.csv as a tibble named flower_data. This file contains data on the length and width of sepals and petals of three species of iris. Then, find out the following about the tibble:

  • What are the column names?

  • How many rows and columns does the data contain?

  • What is the mean of sepal length?

  • How many NAs does sepal width contain?

Find the solution in the drop-down.

flower_data <- read_csv("data/iris.csv") # import the data
head(flower_data) # find the column names in head() output
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   sepal.length sepal.width petal.length petal.width variety
##          <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>  
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2 Setosa 
## 2          4.9         3            1.4         0.2 Setosa 
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2 Setosa 
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2 Setosa 
## 5          5           3.6          1.4         0.2 Setosa 
## 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4 Setosa
nrow(flower_data) # number of rows
## [1] 150
ncol(flower_data) # number of columns
## [1] 5
summary(flower_data) # mean of sepal length is 5.843 and sepal width has no NAs
##   sepal.length    sepal.width     petal.length    petal.width   
##  Min.   :4.300   Min.   :2.000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.100  
##  1st Qu.:5.100   1st Qu.:2.800   1st Qu.:1.600   1st Qu.:0.300  
##  Median :5.800   Median :3.000   Median :4.350   Median :1.300  
##  Mean   :5.843   Mean   :3.057   Mean   :3.758   Mean   :1.199  
##  3rd Qu.:6.400   3rd Qu.:3.300   3rd Qu.:5.100   3rd Qu.:1.800  
##  Max.   :7.900   Max.   :4.400   Max.   :6.900   Max.   :2.500  
##    variety         
##  Length:150        
##  Class :character  
##  Mode  :character  

5 Data wrangling

1. How can rows from a tibble be selected?
2. How can columns from a tibble be selected?
3. How can multiple data wrangling steps be combined into one command?
4. How can new columns be created based on existing columns?
5. How can group-specific summary statistics be obtained?
6. How can a tibble be saved as a .csv file?

1. Use filter() to select rows from a tibble.
2. Use select() to select columns from a tibble.
3. Use the pipe operator, %>%, to link commands together.
4. Use mutate() to create new columns based on existing columns.
5. Use drop_na(), group_by(), summarise(), n(), mean() and sd() to obtain group-specific summary statistics.
6. Use write_csv() to save a tibble as a .csv file.

Now that our data has been loaded in RStudio as a tibble, we proceed to the stage of “data wrangling”: manipulating the data such that it is ready for downstream analyses.

5.1 Selecting rows and columns

We may be interested in particular rows and/or columns of our data in downstream analyses. We can select rows using the filter() function and columns using the select() function. Both of these functions are part of the dplyr package. We will first ensure that these functions are loaded in RStudio. Then we will learn how to use them to filter rows and columns.

Challenge: Install and load the dplyr package, such that you can use filter() and select() in this workshop.

Find the solution in the drop-down.

Recall that in order to use read_csv() from the readr package, we needed to install readr using install.packages(), followed by loading the package using library().

install.packages("dplyr") # install dplyr, only needs to be done once
library(dplyr) # load dplyr, needs to be done every time RStudio is started up

To select particular rows, we use the filter() function. This function takes our tibble of interest (health_data) and a criterion for filtering. For example, to select rows with participants of the female sex from health_data, then the criterion is Sex == "female" (note the use of the double =):

filter(health_data, Sex == "female")
## # A tibble: 4,963 x 5
##       ID Sex      Age Height Weight
##    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 71460 female    47   148.   62.3
##  2 65251 female    10   154.   42.7
##  3 59520 female    14   158.   79.1
##  4 51782 female    23   157.   85.6
##  5 71104 female    78   151.   84.5
##  6 68471 female    15   167.  131. 
##  7 64653 female     1    NA    11.4
##  8 64055 female    59   155.   93.7
##  9 57092 female     6    NA    NA  
## 10 66541 female    70   170.   66.5
## # ... with 4,953 more rows

We could also filter based on a column with continuous data. For example, if we wanted to retain the data on participants below 170 cm:

filter(health_data, Height < 170)
## # A tibble: 6,023 x 5
##       ID Sex      Age Height Weight
##    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 71460 female    47   148.   62.3
##  2 64041 male       9   151.   62.9
##  3 69722 male       7   116.   21.4
##  4 59289 male      30   165.   50.1
##  5 71034 male      11   144.   42.6
##  6 65251 female    10   154.   42.7
##  7 59520 female    14   158.   79.1
##  8 56541 male       8   137.   36.6
##  9 63316 male      10   145.   56.2
## 10 51782 female    23   157.   85.6
## # ... with 6,013 more rows

The function for selecting columns is select(). The names of the columns that we want to keep are included inside select() as a vector. For example, to retain the ID and Height columns:

select(health_data, c(ID, Height))
## # A tibble: 10,000 x 2
##       ID Height
##    <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 71892    NA 
##  2 71460   148.
##  3 58929   178.
##  4 64041   151.
##  5 69722   116.
##  6 59289   165.
##  7 66142   174.
##  8 71034   144.
##  9 65251   154.
## 10 59520   158.
## # ... with 9,990 more rows

We could also specify columns to exclude using -c(). For example, to exclude the Weight column:

select(health_data, -c(Weight))
## # A tibble: 10,000 x 4
##       ID Sex      Age Height
##    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 71892 male       0    NA 
##  2 71460 female    47   148.
##  3 58929 male      78   178.
##  4 64041 male       9   151.
##  5 69722 male       7   116.
##  6 59289 male      30   165.
##  7 66142 male      21   174.
##  8 71034 male      11   144.
##  9 65251 female    10   154.
## 10 59520 female    14   158.
## # ... with 9,990 more rows

Note that the output from each of these commands can be saved as an object. For example, to save health_data with the Weight column excluded:

health_data_no_weight <- select(health_data, -c(Weight))

5.2 Linking data wrangling commands using %>%

Often when data is wrangled, multiple steps need to be combined. For example, we might want to exclude the Weight column from health_data and only retain data on participants of the female Sex. The long way to do this would be to create a new object at each step of the data wrangling:

health_data_no_weight <- select(health_data, -c(Weight))
health_data_no_weight_only_female <- filter(health_data_no_weight, Sex == "female") 

Note that in the filter() step, we specify health_data_no_weight as the data, rather than health_data. So here we select() for columns and then filter() for rows on the reduced data from select().

This operation would be easier if we could link the select() and filter() steps together. This can be done using the pipe operator, %>%. When reading the pipe operator in code, think of it as saying “then”. In the example below, we select all but the Weight column, then we filter for participants of the female Sex:

health_data_no_weight_only_female <- select(health_data, -c(Weight)) %>%
  filter(Sex == "female")

Notice that in the filter() step, we no longer specify the data. This is because the pipe operator passes on the data from the select() step.

It is common to provide the tibble by itself in the first command, such that the chain becomes:

health_data_no_weight_only_female <- health_data %>%
  select(-c(Weight)) %>%
  filter(Sex == "female")

Challenge: Create an object named flower_data_setosa_sepal, a subset of flower_data, with:

  • Only flowers of the Setosa variety.

  • Only the sepal length and sepal width columns.

Find the solution in the drop-down.

flower_data_setosa_sepal <- flower_data %>%
  filter(variety == "Setosa") %>%
  select(c(sepal.length, sepal.width))

5.3 Creating new columns using mutate()

Often we want to add new columns to our tibble, based on existing columns. For example, we may want to add a BMI column to our health_data object, based on the Height and Weight columns. The BMI is calculated by dividing Weight by Height squared. Since Height in health_data is in cm, we divide Height by 100. We create the BMI column using mutate():

health_data_BMI <- health_data %>%
  mutate(BMI = Weight/(Height/100)^2)

Using head() we can see our new column:

## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##      ID Sex      Age Height Weight   BMI
##   <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 71892 male       0    NA     7.7  NA  
## 2 71460 female    47   148.   62.3  28.3
## 3 58929 male      78   178.   63.4  20.1
## 4 64041 male       9   151.   62.9  27.7
## 5 69722 male       7   116.   21.4  15.8
## 6 59289 male      30   165.   50.1  18.4

5.4 Obtaining group-specific summary statistics

Earlier in this workshop we used summary() to obtain summary statistics for each column in our tibble. Alternatively, we may want to obtain group-specific summary statistics. For example, we may want summary statistics for Height, grouped by Sex, from our health_data.

In this example we will ask RStudio to return the mean, standard deviation and number of observations for Height, grouped by Sex. First, we group the data by Sex using group_by(). We then calculate summary statistics using summarise(). Inside summarise() we specify the values that we want. We request the number of observations per group using n(), the mean height using mean() and the standard deviation of height using sd(). Each of these values is given a name, which we specify ahead of the = signs.

health_data %>%
  group_by(Sex) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            mean = mean(Height),
            sd = sd(Height))
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   Sex        n  mean    sd
##   <chr>  <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 female  4963    NA    NA
## 2 male    5037    NA    NA

While n() resulted in an output, mean() and sd() resulted in NAs. These functions return NA when there is at least one NA in the column of interest (i.e. an empty cell). We can circumvent this by dropping the NAs from Height using drop_na() from the tidyr package. Make sure that you install the tidyr package before running the code below.

library(tidyr) #load package for drop_na()

health_data %>%
  drop_na(Height) %>% #remove NAs in Height
  group_by(Sex) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            mean = mean(Height),
            sd = sd(Height))
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   Sex        n  mean    sd
##   <chr>  <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 female  4453  153.  19.7
## 2 male    4525  163.  25.1

Note that we now have less observations (lower number under n), since we have dropped the empty rows.

5.5 Exporting a tibble as a .csv file

Once data wrangling is completed, we may want to export our tibble as a .csv file. This allows us to easily share the data with others. For example, we may want to export our summary table from the last subsection.

To do this, we create an object for the summary table. Then we export the tibble using the write_csv() function from the readr package. We provide a name for the file inside write_csv() within quotes. By default, the file is saved in our `results`` directory.

height_summary <- health_data %>% #give the summary table a name
  drop_na(Height) %>% 
  group_by(Sex) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            mean = mean(Height),
            sd = sd(Height))
write_csv(height_summary, "results/height_summary.csv")

After running this code, check in your `results`` directory that the file has indeed been created.

Challenge: Create a tibble with the number of observations, mean and standard deviation of sepal width, grouped by variety. Name this object sepal_width_summary and save it as a .csv file in your working directory. Find the solution in the drop-down.

sepal_width_summary <- flower_data %>% 
  group_by(variety) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            mean = mean(sepal.width),
            sd = sd(sepal.width))
write_csv(sepal_width_summary, "results/sepal_width_summary.csv")

Notice that no drop_na() is not required, since sepal.width is free of NAs.

6 Plotting data with ggplot2

1. What is the general format of a ggplot() command?
2. How can this format be adapted for scatterplots and boxplots?
3. How is Google used to find additional ggplot2 commands?
4. How are ggplot objects exported from R?

1. Describe the core components of a ggplot() command.
2. Create scatterplots and boxplots using the ggplot2 package.
3. Adjust ggplot2 objects, for example by adding a title, with the help of Google.
4. Use ggsave() to export a ggplot plot.

Once our data is in an appropriate format, we can proceed to visualisation. The ggplot2 package provides functions with which data can be plotted. Here we will introduce this package.

6.1 The general format of the ggplot() command

Every visualisation using ggplot2 includes the ggplot() function. The general format of the command is:

ggplot(<DATA>, aes(<MAPPINGS>)) +

The above command has four components:

  1. The ggplot() function;
  2. Data (denoted by <DATA>);
  3. Aesthetic mapping, i.e. what variables to include in the plot and how they should be treated (denoted by aes(<MAPPINGS>));
  4. A plot-specific function, denoting what type of graphic we want (e.g. a scatterplot; denoted by <GEOM_FUNCTION>()).

Notice that ggplot() and <GEOM_FUNCTION>() are connected through a +. In general, a + is used to connect ggplot2 functions that together build one plot.

6.2 Creating ggplot() plots

Here we will adapt the general format presented above to create scatterplots and boxplots. Make sure you have the ggplot2 package installed and loaded before proceeding.

To create a scatterplot of Height vs Weight in our health_data, we:

  1. Use the ggplot() function;
  2. Include health_data as our <DATA>;
  3. Specify the mappings y = Height and x = Weight inside aes();
  4. Use the scatterplot function at <GEOM_FUNCTION>, which is geom_point().

The code and output therefore become:

ggplot(health_data, aes(y = Height, x = Weight)) +

A scatterplot with Height on the y-axis and Weight on the x-axis. The data show Height increasing sharply with Weight, followed by a leveling off of the increase.

Note: you may receive a warning message about missing values being removed. You can ignore that message for the purpose of this workshop.

In the challenge below you can try to create a boxplot. Rather than geom_point(), which is used for scatterplots, you will use geom_boxplot().

Challenge: Create a boxplot of sepal.length across variety from the flower_data. Think closely about which variables should be denoted as y and x as the mappings inside aes(). Find the solution in the drop-down.

ggplot(flower_data, aes(y = sepal.length, x = variety)) +

A boxplot with sepal length on the y-axis and Variety on the x-axis. The boxplots appear, from left to right, in the order: Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica. The median sepal length increases across the three boxplots, from left to right.

6.3 Adding additional elements to a plot

ggplot2 offers a lot more beyond selecting variables in the <MAPPING> and selecting a plot type through the <GEOM_FUNCTION()>. Often the best way to learn how to perform a specific operation with ggplot2 is to consult Google. In this section we will show this through the addition of a title to our plot.

Let’s try to add a title to our plot of Height vs. Weight. Since we have not learned how to do this, we will consult Google. Searching efficiently is a skill which you will develop as you use RStudio. We may for example search “ggplot r add title”. The following pages are included in the result, which all look like tutorials:

A screenshot of a Google search using the term 'ggplot r add title'. Four results are shown, all of which link to tutorials.

Searching on Google often reveals tutorials.


Following the tutorial on “”, which is a common source for R tutorials, brings us to an index which includes a link to information on titles in ggplot2:

A screenshot of the index of a tutorial on ggplot2 titles on The index item 'Change the main title and axis labels' is highlighted in a red box.

An indexed tutorial on, including a section on titles.


Following this link shows that the tutorial advises using + labs(title = "…") to add a title:

A screenshot of the section of the tutorial on about ggplot2 titles. Code is shown which in the tutorial is used to add a title to a ggplot graph.

The section on titles on


Trying this with our plot gives:

ggplot(health_data, aes(y = Height, x = Weight)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Height vs. Weight in the NHANES data")

A scatterplot with Height on the y-axis and Weight on the x-axis. The following title is included: Height vs. Weight in the NHANES data.

6.4 Exporting plots using ggsave()

If you are writing a report or manuscript outside of RStudio, you will llikely need to export figures. This can be done using ggsave(). Three things to note about this function are:

  • By default, ggsave() saves the last plot created.

  • ggsave() requires a file name, such as "height_weight_plot.png". The plot is saved under this filename in the specified directory.

  • ggsave() uses the file extension given in the file name. For example, "height_weight_plot.png" will produce a .png file, while "height_weight_plot.pdf" will produce a .pdf file.

For example, to save our Height vs Weight plot as a .png file, we run:

ggplot(health_data, aes(y = Height, x = Weight)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Height vs. Weight in the NHANES data")

We should then have the file "height_weight_plot.png" in our results directory.

Challenge: Boxplots are often being replaced by violin plots, as these show the distribution of the data more clearly. Use Google to find the command for a violin plot. Then, adapt your code for the boxplot of sepal.length across variety from the flower_data to create a violin plot. Finally, save this plot as a .pdf file. Find the solution in the drop-down.

ggplot(flower_data, aes(y = sepal.length, x = variety)) +

A violin plot with sepal length on the y-axis and Variety on the x-axis. The violin plots appear, from left to right, in the order: Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica. The violin plot for Setosa has a wide central region and narrow regions towards the ends. The violin pots for Versicolor and Virginica are less wide in the centre.

# To export to pdf, we use the .pdf file extension
# To export to pdf, we use the .pdf file extension

7 Optional material

1. How are string variables converted to factor variables?
2. How are groups along the x-axis reordered in a ggplot graph?
3. How are multiple ggplot graphs grouped into one plotting region?

1. Use as_factor() to convert a character variable to a factor variable.
2. Use fct_relevel() to reorder groups along the x-axis of a ggplot graph.
3. Use the patchwork package to group multiple ggplot() graphs together.

7.1 Using as_factor() for categorical variables

When we import categorical variables as part of a tibble, they appear as a character column. See for example the Sex column in health_data:

## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##      ID Sex      Age Height Weight
##   <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 71892 male       0    NA     7.7
## 2 71460 female    47   148.   62.3
## 3 58929 male      78   178.   63.4
## 4 64041 male       9   151.   62.9
## 5 69722 male       7   116.   21.4
## 6 59289 male      30   165.   50.1

A character column in RStudio is a column with words (also known as “strings”). For downstream analyses, it is often useful to convert a categorical character column into a factor column. This has the following advantages:

  • A character column is prone to typos which can go unseen. In a factor column, there is a limited set of categories (known as levels), such that typos can be spotted easily.
  • A character column does not specify an order for the categories, which can complicate downstream analyses. In a factor column, the levels can be ordered in a specific way, such that plots and models treat the column as we would like them to (e.g. plot the 12 months of the year in the correct order, rather than alphabetically).

We can convert a character column into a factor using the as_factor() function from the forcats package. We do this inside mutate(). Ensure that you have the forcats package installed before you run the code below.

library(forcats) # load the required package

health_data_factor <- health_data %>%
  mutate(Sex = as_factor(Sex))

Using head(), we can see that Sex has become a factor. See the <fct> under Sex:

## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##      ID Sex      Age Height Weight
##   <dbl> <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 71892 male       0    NA     7.7
## 2 71460 female    47   148.   62.3
## 3 58929 male      78   178.   63.4
## 4 64041 male       9   151.   62.9
## 5 69722 male       7   116.   21.4
## 6 59289 male      30   165.   50.1

We can check that our variable is free of typos by checking the levels (i.e. categories) inside our variable using the pull() and levels() functions:

health_data_factor %>%
  pull(Sex) %>%
## [1] "male"   "female"

This shows us that our factor variable is free of typos, since we have only two levels with spelling as expected.

7.2 Using fct_relevel() to reorder groups in a factor variable

We can change the order of the levels using fct_relevel() inside mutate():

health_data_factor_relevel <- health_data_factor %>%
  mutate(Sex = fct_relevel(Sex, "female", "male"))

We then see that the levels have been reordered:

health_data_factor_relevel %>%
  pull(Sex) %>%
## [1] "female" "male"

Reordering factor levels is handy when you need to rearrange your graphs of data. For example, a boxplot of Height by Sex using health_data_factor has “male” as the left-most boxplot:

ggplot(health_data_factor, aes(y = Height, x = Sex)) +

A boxplot with Height on the y-axis and Sex on the x-axis. From left to right, the boxplots are in the following order: male, female.

In contrast, the same code on health_data_factor_relevel returns a graph with “female” as the left-most boxplot:

ggplot(health_data_factor_relevel, aes(y = Height, x = Sex)) +

A boxplot with Height on the y-axis and Sex on the x-axis. From left to right, the boxplots are in the following order: female, male.

Challenge: Create an object named flower_data_factor, with the variety column as a factor. Ensure that the levels are ordered as “Versicolor”, “Virginica”, “Setosa”. Find the solution in the drop-down.

flower_data_factor <- flower_data %>%
  mutate(variety = as_factor(variety)) %>%
  mutate(variety = fct_relevel(variety,
                               "Versicolor", "Virginica", "Setosa"))

#check that reordering the factor levels worked
flower_data_factor %>%
  pull(variety) %>%
## [1] "Versicolor" "Virginica"  "Setosa"

7.3 Grouping multiple plots into one region using the patchwork package

Often we want to visualise data in more than one way. In this case, it is useful to be able to arrange multiple plots into one plotting region, such that RStudio returns one image which contains all our plots. We can do so using the patchwork package. Before you proceed, ensure that this package is installed and loaded.

To use patchwork, we need to save each of our plots as an object. For example, to save our Height vs Weight plot under the name p1, we run:

p1 <- ggplot(health_data, aes(y = Height, x = Weight)) +

Let’s save a second plot under the name p2, this time a scatterplot of Height across Age:

p2 <- ggplot(health_data, aes(y = Height, x = Age)) +

Both plots can be shown in one plotting region by running the object names, separated by a +:

p1 + p2

A composite figure consisting of two scatterplots. The left graph has Height on the y-axis and Weight on the x-axis. The right graph has Height on the y-axis and Age on the x-axis. Both graphs show an initial sharp increase in the y-axis as the x-axis values increase, followed by a leveling off of the increase.

Challenge: Save the boxplot and the violin plot of sepal.length as objects, named p1 and p2. Plot these graphs in one plotting region using patchwork. Then, save this as a .pdf file in your results folder. Find the solution in the drop-down.

p1 <- ggplot(flower_data, aes(y = sepal.length, x = variety)) +

p2 <- ggplot(flower_data, aes(y = sepal.length, x = variety)) +

p1 + p2
